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A double chin or submental fat, is a common concern today for people of every age and body type. It can affect one’s self-esteem and appearance. Let us understand the causes and contributing factors of a double chin while talking about the potential solutions.

Double Chin Common Causes

Weight Gain

The most common factor leading to a double chin is weight gain. This results in the accumulation of submental fat in the chin area.


With age, the skin loses its elasticity resulting in skin sagging. This is another major factor causing a double chin development.


Genetics can play an equally major role in the likelihood of developing a double chin. If anyone in the family has had that, there are chances that you too be prone to it.


Trust us, even a poor posture can result in the development of a double chin. Sagging skin on the chin can appear when you slouch or have a forward head posture because of the weakened muscles.


Weight gain because of an unhealthy diet high in fats, calories, or processed foods can result in the accumulation of fat under the chin.

Lack of Exercise

Muscle laxity and weight gain are likely to occur due to the lack of physical activities. This too can result in the development of a double chin.

Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

These habits result in the loss of skin elasticity causing a double chin to occur.

Contributing Factors

Besides the already discussed causes, there are several other contributing factors leading to the development of a double chin.


Lack of water consumption can result in the chin and neck area appearing puffier.

Sun Damage

Excessive sun exposure can accelerate skin aging leading to a loss of elasticity.

Limited Collagen Production

Collagen production naturally decreases with age, resulting in reduced skin’s firmness and elasticity.

Repeated Facial Expressions

Certain facial expressions like looking downwards a lot while using the phone can result in sagging of the neck area.

If you too have a double chin, worry not! Today there are various ways to address a double chin and regain confidence in your appearance. At Skin Laser Centre, get the best double chin reduction treatment in East Delhi and get the desired contours of the chin and neck area.